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Meetings at 11 Mandeville Place, London W1U 3AJ

Courtesy of The School of Philosophy and Economic Science

Spring Term 2020 Study Programme

On consecutive Fridays beginning 24th January

No meeting on 21st February  Half Term Week

EVENING STUDY GROUP:  6:40 to 8:10pm

Protection or Free Trade – Post Brexit!
A Series of Seven Sessions led by David Triggs

In this series we shall explore Henry George’s masterpiece “Protection or Free Trade” alongside side consideration of the economic issues facing the UK economy on leaving the European Union.

Topics will include:-

  • Trade and Civilisation
  • The Role of Trade in the Production and Distribution of Wealth
  • Barriers to trade – historical roots
  • Trade and Protection
  • Tariffs and Smuggling
  • Tariffs, Production and Producers
  • Tariffs for Revenue
  • Exports and Imports
  • The Encouragement of Industry
  • The Home Market and Home Trade
  • Confusions Arising from the Use of Money in Trade
  • Wage Levels and Trade
  • Free Trade – Socialism and Capitalism
  • Phoney Free Trade


AFTERNOON STUDY GROUP:  2:30pm to 4pm 

Our Land and Land Policy

A Study of George’s work, led by Tommas Graves

 Continuing form the Autumn 2019 term, the Group will draw on articles in Vol 1 of the new series of Annotated Works of Henry George beginning with “The Irish Land Laws” with an introduction by Brian Hodgkinson..

You may attend one session or as many as you wish

ADMISSION FREE – voluntary donations please

The Friday Evening Study Group
Please note the start time will be 6:45 and end at 8:15pm
Political Economy
A new course presented by David Triggs
This five-session course will consider the principles that underlie the production and distribution of wealth within and between nations. Using UK experience as an example it considers how the health, wealth, prosperity, peace and happiness of its people are affected by the extent to which those principles are recognised in current socioeconomic arrangements.
25/10/2019 Session 1.  Introduction. 
The Issues and Overview: The scope of the course and the relevance of political economy to today’s key issues: Living and the Making of a Living, Employment, Housing, Trade, Boom/Bust, Sustainability, the Environment, Conflict/War and Peace etc. The language of Political Economy – the meaning of key terms in order to avoid confusion with their meanings when used colloquially, by the media, or by different schools of economic thought. 
01/11/2019 Half Term: no meeting
08/11/2019 Session 2. The Production of Wealth.
Essential Factors (Land, Labour & Capital), their nature and interaction. Different modes of production. The impact of population growth, specialisation, the development of new technologies and sources of energy.
15/11/2019 Session 3. The Distribution of Wealth. 
The earnings of Labour and Capital, The Rent of Land. The impact of taxes, profits and monopolies.
22/11/2019 Session 4. The Exchange of Wealth. 
Trade, specialisation, credit, money. Barriers to trade, protection or free trade.
29/11/2019 Session 5. Conclusions and Possible Remedies. 
Fiscal and monetary reform, freedom and economic justice, global and environmental implications. World Peace?
You may attend one session or as many as you wish
ADMISSION FREE – voluntary donations please
The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain is a company limited by guarantee,
 registered in England, company No 00956714, Charity No 259194 and in Scotland No SC0044360
Meetings at 11 Mandeville Place, London W1U 3AJ
Courtesy of The School of Philosophy and Economic Science
Autumn 2019 Study Programme
 Date    Wk No  Afternoon Group  Evening Group
04/10/2019 Fri   Wk 1 Group Study Meeting Study:  The Condition of Labour
11/10/2019 Fri   Wk 2 Group Study Meeting Study:  The Condition of Labour
18/10/2019 Fri   Wk 3 Group Study Meeting Study:  The Condition of Labour
25/10/2019 Fri   Wk 4 Group Study Meeting Political Economy – A new Course
01/11/2019 Fri   Wk 5 Half Term: no meeting Half Term: no meeting
08/11/2019 Fri   Wk 6 Group Study Meeting Political Economy – A new Course
15/11/2019 Fri   Wk 7 Group Study Meeting Political Economy – A new Course
22/11/2019 Fri   Wk 8 Group Study Meeting Political Economy – A new Course
29/11/2019 Fri   Wk 9 Group Study Meeting Political Economy – A new Course
STUDY GROUP:  2:30pm to 4pm: 
Presenter: Tommas Graves
Continuing from the Summer term, the Afternoon Study Group sessions will resume its study of George’s Our Land and Land Policy. Following on, the study will focus on further texts drawn from Vol 1 in  the new Schalkenbach editions of The Annotated Works.  


STUDY GROUP:  6:40 to 8:10pm  
Presenter: David Triggs.

During the first three weeks, David will lead the Group in further examination of  George’s letter to Pope Leo XIII entitled The Condition of Labour, which was started in the Summer Term.    


NEW 5 WEEK COURSE:  Beginning on the 25th October, David will present a new 5-week course he has devised  on Political Economy.   This will continue after the half term.   Further announcement later.

You may attend one session or as many as you wish
ADMISSION FREE – voluntary donations please
The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain is a company limited by guarantee,
 registered in England, company no 00956714, Charity No: 259194 and in Scotland SC0044360

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