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The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain
People do not argue with the teachings of Henry George; they simply do not know it. He who becomes acquainted with it cannot but agree.
Count Leo Tolstoy
Men like Henry George are rare, unfortunately. One cannot imagine a more beautiful combination of intellectual keenness, artistic form and fervent love of justice. Every line is written as if for our generation.
Albert Einstein
The Foundation was established in January 1929 to administer a Trust Fund for spreading a wider knowledge of the social and economic teaching of Henry George as set forth in his books – Progress and Poverty, Social Problems, Protection or Free Trade, The Condition of Labour, A Perplexed Philosopher, The Science of Political Economy and other writings.
The motive for establishing and maintaining the Foundation is the conviction that the principles expounded by Henry George offer the only true basis of Economic Freedom and Social Justice, and that their application will remove involuntary poverty, promote industrial and international peace, and make all other reforms easier of accomplishment, as well as generally contributing to the welfare of humanity.
The Foundation supports educational courses, meetings, research, and publications directed at promoting a better understanding of George’s ideas and developing them to address the economic issues of the day. Details of our current programme may be found on the web site and by leaflets available at 11 Mandeville Place, W1U 3AJ.
Our main publication is the journal Land & Liberty which has chronicled world events for over 100 years, aiming to explore how our common wealth should be used and to demonstrate that this is the key to building the bridge of sustainability between private life, the public sector and our resources – between the individual, the community and the environment. Land & Liberty aims to put the laws of nature and people at the heart of economics. The journal is made available free of charge to anybody who registers interest with us on this web site, where you can also read recent articles and the latest editions.
The Foundation depends upon the voluntary efforts of members, supporters and friends to provide the publications and services we offer, and active participation is always welcome.
At its founding, The Henry George Foundation was endowed by a terminable annuity for a period of ten years only; but the founder, animated by the hope that others would be led to follow his example, so framed the trust to facilitate its re-endowment by legacies and donations given for a like purpose.
To meet all our costs, we continue to depend entirely upon gifts and donations gratefully received from members, supporters and friends. As a registered educational charity, we are able to receive Gift Aid from UK taxpayers.
Donations (Gift Aid or otherwise) may be made through:
- By internet transfer to – HSBC Bank, Sort Code 40-06-03, Account No. 51064320.
- Cheque to – The Henry George Foundation, C/o School of Philosophy and Economic Science, 11 Mandeville Place, London, W1U 3AJ
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