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Open Event September 22nd


Henry George’s published works resonant with the Early Christian teaching on the Common Good?

Key to understanding Henry George’s message is an appreciation of how ideas about ownership underpin commonly held notions regarding theft and property rights as distinct from such concepts as usufruct or the duties associated with stewardship. Such ideas are rooted in what people believe themselves to be and what is their own. It is thus important not only for political economists but for philosophers and theologians as well.  

In this year’s “Open Event” we shall explore this topic from the same viewpoint Henry George recognised as important i.e. biblical teachings embodied in the old and new testaments.  We shall examine the commonality of this viewpoint with that of the early Fathers of the Church as distinct from later doctrines adopted by the main stream churches,  in particular, the doctrine which provoked George to write his long open letter to Pope Leo XIII in 1891.  This letter was published in book form as The Condition of Labour.

Guidance in all of this comes from Charles Avila, a Filipino Georgist, rebel against the oppressive Marcos dictatorship, academic, and cleric.  Fifty years ago, he produced a study “Towards a Philosophy of Ownership”. Fifteen years later his book was published under the title Ownership: Early Christian Teaching.  

We shall explore both these approaches during our event. In the morning Joseph Milne will present a paper on “Ownership in Early Christianity and the Natural Law Tradition” and Simon McKenna will discuss “Christian Arguments for Justice in Land in the Context of the History of Western Political Philosophy”. In the afternoon David Triggs will share his recent meeting and interview with Charles Avila who we also plan to link with live from the Philippines.  

With the help of Frank Peddle,  the Series Co-editor of The Annotated Works of Henry George,we shall then discuss the same issues in the context of George’s letter to the Pope as we mount the UK launch of Volume III of this series which features The Condition of Labour, along with George’s Social Problems

There will be opportunity for responses and questions from the floor regarding the practical and spiritual implications of the philosophy that underpinned Henry George’s approach to the science of political economy. 

There will also be plenty of time for social interaction and networking both during the day and as we enjoy social drinks at the conclusion.

Venue: 11 Mandeville Place, London, W1U 3AJ 

(Courtesy of The School of Economic Science)

Saturday 22 September 2018

10:00am to 6:15pm(Registration from 09:30)

Eventbritebooking required: click here  

The Housing Crisis and the Common Good

A talk by Dr Joseph Milne Monday

19th March 2018

Registration 6:40pm for Lecture at 7:00pm

Free Entry and Everyone is Welcome

Booking Required: eventbrite

This talk will explore the reasons why a wealthy nation like the UK fails to meet the housing needs of its citizens. It will demonstrate how the current housing market distorts the proper functioning of a free economy and is the root cause of the increasing gap between rich and poor. It will show how the commodification of land turns the competitive market into a monopoly over the citizen’s natural right to a home. Finally, it will argue that there are natural economic laws which, if understood and applied, would remedy the housing crisis and assure that the economy could function freely and for the common good. If you seek to explore Economics and the Social Sciences and to bring even accepted theories to the test of first principles, then this talk is for you.

The talk will be delivered at Friends House, Hilda Clark Suite, 173, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ


The nearest tube stations are Euston and Euston Square, which are on the Northern, Victoria, Metropolitan, Circle, Hammersmith & City lines and overground.

Talk given to the Henry George Foundation by Joseph Milne 17th March 2017

In Progress and Poverty Henry George frequently calls upon the ‘laws of nature’ or ‘natural law’, or upon universal justice. I would like to explore what he really means by these expressions. One does not find them in current economic theory. Occasionally one hears a politician calling for justice, but often this is more a call for retribution rather than justice. But one never hears them invoke the ‘laws of nature’ or ‘natural law’. Find the full article here.



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