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The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain Open Event 2022

Saturday 24th September 2022

09:15am to 6:00 pm

Georgism and Justice in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Land Value Taxation

Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: M890 7095 6150; Passcode: 042170

Admission Free – voluntary donations via website welcome

The work of Henry George is commonly associated with the idea of land value taxation – the ‘single tax’ on the rental value of land that would replace the unjust and inefficient taxation of production and employment. However, George was concerned not just with land rent and the land monopoly, but with monopolies and rents of all kinds, as well as wider themes concerning the ethical foundation of the economy and its place within society.

At this year’s event there will be a broad focus on the place of the economy in society, and on economic rents arising in a variety of sectors of the economy, including banking and finance, the utilities, and intellectual property.

Do join us as we explore the reasons why the ideas expressed by George in the late nineteenth century are more relevant than ever in the era of rising inflation, falling living standards, economic instability, and rapidly deteriorating environment in which we find ourselves.

09.15 Welcome and Introduction
09:30 John Christensen: “Vested Interests and the Common Good”
10.30 Break
10.45 David Triggs: “Monopolisation of Natural Resources and the Energy Affordability Crisis”
11.45 Break
12.00 Joseph Milne: “Henry George and the Common Good”
13.15 Lunch Break
14.00 Frank Peddle: A celebration of the publication of The Annotated Works of Henry George Volume V: The Science of Political Economy
15.00 Rebecca Lowe: “Space invaders: Property rights on the Moon”
16.15 Break
16.30 Robert Hockett: “The Wealth of our Commonwealth: Money, Meta-Markets, and Capital Management in a Productive Republic”

Summer 2022 Study Programme

All meetings will be online (via Zoom Video Link), please see links below

Friday Afternoons: 2:30pm to 4.00pm, led by Tommas Graves.
Beginning Date: 13th May 2022 until 15th July 2022
Half Term: 3rd June.

The Group will continue from last term reading Social Problems (a collection of essays by Henry George published in 1883 which presents his views on political economy and his vision of reforms needed for the achievement of Justice in Social and Economic arrangements).

The Readings will draw on notes etc from Vol III of recently published volume in the series The Annotated Works of Henry George.


Friday Evenings: 6:45pm to 8:15pm, led by David Triggs.
Beginning Date: 6th May 2022 until 15th July 2022
Half Term: 3rd June.

This term will continue the studies commenced in the Spring term. We have looked at most of the speeches as incorporated in the book The Prosperity Paradox by Dr Mark Hassed published in 2000 in Melbourne Australia.

This term we will begin by considering the remaining material from this book.

David will also invite further consideration of the UK National Accounts,  and his analysis,  in order to reveal the benefits of replacing existing taxes on employment, production and trade with the collection of land rent as public revenue.


You will be welcome to join us for as many sessions as you wish.

Admission is free – Donations via our website welcome

Spring 2022 Study Programme

Fridays beginning 14th January until 1st April 2022.
Half Term Date: 18th February 2022

All meetings will be online (via Zoom Video Link), please see links below

Friday Afternoons: 2:30pm to 4.00pm, led by Tommas Graves.

Reading: Social Problems (a collection of essays by Henry George published in 1883 which presents his views on political economy and his vision of reforms needed for the achievement of Justice in Social and Economic arrangements).

The Readings will draw on notes etc from Vol III of recently published volume in the series The Annotated Works of Henry George.


Friday Evenings: 6:45pm to 8:15pm, led by David Triggs.

This term, David will continue to lead our studies of Henry George’s works by looking at a selection of his speeches as incorporated in the book The Prosperity Paradox by Dr Mark Hassed published in 2000 in Melbourne Australia.

The speeches include: The Study of Political Economy, Justice the object: Taxation the means, The land for the people, The crime of poverty, Moses: Apostle of freedom, Scotland and Scotsmen, Thou shalt not steal, Land and taxation, Thy kingdom come. The book also includes a very short biography of Henry George which we shall read during the opening session.

The term will also include an analysis of the UK National Accounts in order to reveal the benefits of replacing existing taxes on employment, production and trade with the collection of land rent as public revenue.


You will be welcome to join us for as many sessions as you wish.
HGF Administration.

Admission is free – Donations via our website welcome

Autumn 2021 Study Programme

Consecutive Fridays Beginning 8th October 2021
until 10th December 2021

All meetings will be online (via Zoom Video Link), please see links below

Friday Afternoons: 2:30pm to 4.00pm, led by Tommas Graves.

Reading: The Condition of Labour, (An open letter to Pope Leo XIII).

The Readings will draw on notes etc from Vol III of recently published volume in the series The Annotated Works of Henry George.


Friday Evenings: 6:45pm to 8:15pm, led by David Triggs.

This term David will draw on a range of Henry George’s Works in order to consider what he has to offer in connection with the pressing needs of today, including such issues as climate change, environmental protection, housing, education, social services, conflict and migration etc.

Sources will include passages from his major works e.g. Progress and Poverty, Protection or Free Trade, The Science of Political Economy and The Condition of Labour as well as less well-known passages from his speeches and articles published in The Standard.

The term will also include Guest speakers who made presentations at the HGF Open Event held on 18th September 2021.


You will be welcome to join us for as many sessions as you wish.
HGF Administration.

Admission is free – Donations via our website welcome

The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain Open Event 2021

Levelling up and Building Back Better in a Post-Pandemic World: Insights and solutions from the economic philosophy of Henry George

Saturday 18th September 2021 10:00am to 6:00 pm

Download Our Flyer

Join via Zoom:

Admission Free
Voluntary donations via website welcome

10.00 Welcome and Introduction
10:10 Session 1. Progress Report

“It’s a beginning: The Land Value Tax in Baden-Wuerttemberg”
Dirk Loehr will take us through the successful campaign for the introduction of LVT in Germany.

Economic Rent, Inequality and Public Revenue – the Singapore Model – a (public) property state?
Andrew Purves uses the concept of the ‘property state’ as a framework to tell the story of Singapore’s development since independence in 1965.

11.40 Break
11.55 Session 2. The Tyranny of Bad Ideas

“The Land Question and Community”
Joseph Milne will consider how the privatisation of land, the rise of modern industry, and the evolutionary ideologies of progress in the nineteenth century destroyed the self-sufficiency of communities and turned free people into wage labourers.

“George, Marx, Socialism, and Money”
David Triggs will consider how George’s view that the most important factor in the world as we know it is “that which feels, perceives, thinks and wills” might explain differences between his theories and those of Marx, who insisted that economic analysis must begin “with the analysis of a commodity”.

13.25 Lunch Break
14.00 Session 3. Communicating the Message

Frank Peddle and William Peirce: A celebration of the publication of The Annotated Works of Henry George Volume IV: Protection and Free Trade

15.15 Mid-session break
15.25 Session 3. Continued

“Generating Awareness of Henry George’s Principles of Cooperative Individualism”
Edward Dodson will transcend the traditional labels of ‘Georgism’ and the ‘Single Tax’ by exploring the principles of cooperative individualism.

16.10  Break
16.20 Session 4. The Future of ‘Georgism’
Panel discussion with Fred Harrison, David Triggs, Conall Boyle, Gavin Kerr and Gareth Whelan
17.35 Concluding Session – Remarks, Questions and Observations

Join via Zoom:

Admission Free
Voluntary donations via website welcome

Summer Term 2021 Study Programme

Consecutive Fridays Beginning 7th May 2021 until 23rd July 2021
Half Term: 4th June 2021
All meetings will be online (via Zoom Video Link), please see links below

Friday Afternoons: 2:30pm to 4.00pm

Reading: Progress and Poverty, (continuing from Spring Term), led by Tommas Graves.

Access through this link and passcode. (Admission free – Donations welcome.)


Friday Evenings: 6:45pm to 8:15pm

Reading: The Science of Political Economy, (continuing from Spring Term), led by David Triggs. We are coming close to the final chapter of this work which was unfinished at the time of Henry George’s death. The subject of the chapter is money and David plans to continue examining what George said elsewhere on the subject of money as material for further study.

Access through this link and passcode. (Admission free – Donations welcome.)



ADMISSION FREE – voluntary donations will be welcome

Spring Term 2021 Study Programme

Consecutive Fridays Beginning 15th January 2021 until 26th March 2021
Half Term: 19th February 2021
All meetings will be online (via Zoom Video Link), please see links below

Friday Afternoons: 2:30pm to 4.00pm

Reading: Progress and Poverty, (led by Tommas Graves).

Access through this link and passcode.


Friday Evenings: 6:45pm to 8:15pm

Reading: The Science of Political Economy, (led by David Triggs).

Access through this link and passcode.



ADMISSION FREE – voluntary donations will be welcome