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public revenue without taxation workshop
How to Introduce Public Revenue without Taxation
A Workshop
Saturday 18th October 2014
1.45pm – 8.00pm
11 Mandeville Place , London , W1U 3AJ .
Courtesy of School of Economic Science
All Welcome
This workshop represents the start of a project designed to enable a very large number of people to appreciate the merits of raising public revenue by collecting community created location rents in place of taxes that inhibit wealth production and distort its just distribution. This first phase of the project is designed to meet the needs of people who have already ‘got it’ or ‘seen the cat’ but have been frustrated or discouraged by past attempts to convince family, friends, work colleagues, politicians, academics and others of it merits. It is intended to inform, motivate, and inspire such people and provide a platform for a range of initiatives. Participants will be invited to host an introduction of their own in November 2014.
Ideas will be explored in both plenary and small group sessions aimed at providing maximum scope for participants to develop, support, and be supported, with both individual and/or group action plans. The opening plenary session at 2.00pm. will be a School of Economic Science special talk reviewing past attempts to introduce (and resist) this economically just policy since it was first identified (see SES poster).
Throughout the afternoon there will be ten talks/workshops led by seven speakers/workshop leaders. All are welcome though it is recommended that participants register here ASAP to ensure participation in their preferred workshops as allocation is being made on a first-come, first-served basis.
Admission Free – Donations Welcome
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