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Housing Crisis
The Housing Crisis and the Common Good
A talk by Dr Joseph Milne Monday
19th March 2018
Registration 6:40pm for Lecture at 7:00pm
Free Entry and Everyone is Welcome
Booking Required: eventbrite
This talk will explore the reasons why a wealthy nation like the UK fails to meet the housing needs of its citizens. It will demonstrate how the current housing market distorts the proper functioning of a free economy and is the root cause of the increasing gap between rich and poor. It will show how the commodification of land turns the competitive market into a monopoly over the citizen’s natural right to a home. Finally, it will argue that there are natural economic laws which, if understood and applied, would remedy the housing crisis and assure that the economy could function freely and for the common good. If you seek to explore Economics and the Social Sciences and to bring even accepted theories to the test of first principles, then this talk is for you.
The talk will be delivered at Friends House, Hilda Clark Suite, 173, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
The nearest tube stations are Euston and Euston Square, which are on the Northern, Victoria, Metropolitan, Circle, Hammersmith & City lines and overground.
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