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Henry George Foundation Open day
Members supporters and friends are invited to attend The Henry George Foundation Open Day.
It will take place at 11 Mandeville Place, London W1U 3AJ on Saturday 22 September 2012.
You are invited to any or all of the day’s programme which is intended to provide an opportunity to explore how Henry George’s ideas could help address the current social, cultural and economic malaise. It will also provide a convivial environment in which to enjoy the company of friends who share a common interest.
The programme for the day includes:
1. 11.00am – 12.30pm. The Annual General Meeting of the Henry George Foundation of Great Britain Limited.
Formal AGM Business (Only Members are eligible to vote on resolutions) – See separate AGM Agenda.
2. 12.30pm – 2.00pm Lunch – Individuals and groups make their own arrangements at any of the numerous local
restaurants and shops. The refectory will be available for the consumption of brought in food.
3. 2.00pm – 5.00pm. Reprise . A series of short summary talks and presentations by members, supporters, and friends
who have contributed to HGF Friday afternoon and evening meetings, talks, and courses during the year. Also the
opportunity for short ‘Open Mike’ contributions from others who would like to share their latest ‘thinking’ on
matters economic, and suggestions for the future.
4. 5.00pm – 6.30pm Evening Meal – Individuals and groups make their own arrangements at any of the numerous local
restaurants and shops. The refectory will be available for the consumption of brought in food during this period and
other areas of Mandeville Place will be available for reflection, rest and relaxation.
5. 6.30pm – 9.30pm. A Social Gathering/Party with Wine, Soft Drinks, Nuts, Crisps and Entertainment. An
opportunity for Members, Supporters and Friends to meet, along with their own partners and guests.
Books, videos, and posters will be on display and shown during the day including recent publications by the
Foundation, members and friends.
or phone 0800 048 8537
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