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Quilligan Seminar
The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain
Is pleased to host a Special Meeting in the ‘Quilligan’ series of seminars
Being held in London during May 2012 to discuss
Friday 11th May 2012 6.40 pm to 9.40 pm
6.40 pm. Welcome by David Triggs – Chairman The Henry George Foundation
6.45 pm. A ‘Perspective on ‘Property’ with James Quilligan
7.25 pm. Another ‘Perspective on Property’ with Joseph Milne
7.45 pm Question/Discussion
8.00 pm. Refreshment Break – Tea and Coffee available
8.20 pm. ‘Value and The Commons’ – A Discussion Chaired by Peter Bowman.
With James Quilligan, David Triggs, and members of the audience.
9.35 pm. Closing Remarks – James Quilligan
9.40 pm Thanks/Close
James Quilligan: A well known theorist, activist, policy analyst, and founder of the ‘Global
Commons Trust’. This seminar will provide an opportunity for James to outline his ideas about
property, value, and the commons with regard to local, national and global economies and to
explore how they relate to the laws of nature that Henry George regarded as so important.
11 Mandeville Place , London , W1U 3AJ .
Courtesy of School of Economic Science,
All Welcome – Admission Free
(Voluntary donations will be welcome to help cover expenses)
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