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Money and Credit


In this talk David will share Henry George’s observations regarding the distinctive responsibilities that Governments and Banks have with regard to the issue and supply of money and the provision and exchange of credits. He will show how George was careful to clarify the primary function of money, how it differs from wealth and credit, and how the safekeeping and lending of money differs from the provision of credit. He will also consider how the different ways in which money and credit acquire value influences their suitability as a store of value, the importance of aligning a government’s monetary and fiscal policies, and implications for monetary and fiscal union in the eurozone.

The talk is intended and timed to complement Professor Richard Werner’s talk ‘Reclaiming the economy from the bankers’ which follows at 8.30 pm.

6.45 pm – 7.55 pm, Friday 16th May 2012   11 Mandeville Place , London , W1U 3AJ .

(Courtesy of The School of Economic Science)

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