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Individual Life
The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain
is pleased to extend an invitation to a two week study led by
The conclusion of Henry George’s masterpiece ‘Progress and Poverty’ is a chapter entitled
‘The Problem of Individual Life’ it begins:
My task is done.
Yet the thought still mounts. The problems we have been considering lead into a problem
higher and deeper still. Behind the problems of social life lies the problem of individual
life. I have found it impossible to think of the one without thinking of the other, and so, I
imagine, will it be with those who, reading this book, go with me in thought. For, as says
Guizot, “when the history of civilisation is completed, when there is nothing more to say as
to our present existence, man inevitably asks himself whether all is exhausted, whether he
has reached the end of all things?”
As we study this chapter and related material we shall also explore how it connects with
Henry George’s methods, thinking and the special message that he has to offer.
Fridays 4th and 11th October 2013
6.40pm – 8.10pm
Venue: School of Economic Science,
11 Mandeville Place , London , W1U 3AJ .
(Nearest tube: Bond Street – See Map at Station – 4 Minutes walk)
All Welcome – Admission Free
The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain
PO Box 6408, London. W1A 3GY Tel: 0800 048 8537
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