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HGF programme Spring 2017


Date Wk No Presenter Study 
20/01/2017   Wk 1 Joseph Milne Aristotle’s Politics  – see below.
27/01/2017   Wk 2 Richard Bolton Aristotle’s Politics  – see below.
03/02/2017   Wk 3 Joseph Milne Aristotle’s Politics  – see below.
10/02/2017   Wk 4 Richard Bolton Aristotle’s Politics  – see below.
17/02/2017   Wk 5 HALF  TERM Half Term 12th to 18th February
24/02/2017   Wk 6 David Triggs The Opportunities and Dangers of Brexit and a Post Establishment World – see below
03/03/2017   Wk 7 David Triggs
10/03/2017   Wk 8 David Triggs
17/03/2017   Wk 9 a special  event Henry George and the Laws of Nature – A Talk by Dr Joseph Milne
— Details to follow
24/03/2017 Wk10 David Triggs Continuation – The Opportunities and Dangers of Brexit and a Post Establishment World 
31/03/2017 Wk11 David Triggs
About Aristotle’s Politics at HGF
Any student of politics or economics should study Aristotle’s Politics. This book has influenced political thought through the Middle Ages in Christianity and Islam. It is also the work that the rationalists of the Enlightenment read and which many attacked, preferring the philosophy of Machiavelli, as with Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes for example. Reading Aristotle’s Politics provides an opportunity to compare the classical vision of society and citizenship with our own secular vision of the industrial society. But also, Aristotle’s analysis of what is just and works well for a society and what is harmful is as valid today as it was over two thousand years ago. 
The text will be from
: Aristotle’s Politics, Carnes Lord, Second Edition, 2013.
Some printed material will be available for week 1:    
Students are encouraged to acquire a copy of the book.

About The Opportunities and Dangers of Brexit and a Post Establishment World.
Recent developments in the UK, Europe, the USA and elsewhere have illustrated the extent to which large numbers of people have come to distrust what have been regarded as “the establishment” and “economic experts”. This represents both a very substantial opportunity and a danger for the peace, welfare and prosperity of people throughout the world and the state of man’s habitat – mother earth. In the UK the opportunities and dangers are most apparent in connection with the prospective leaving of the European Union – Brexit.  In this series of five talks and discussions David Triggs will explore these opportunities and dangers by drawing upon the teachings of Henry George. He will re-examine the contributions and roles that individuals, families, firms, communities and their governments at various levels need to play if the production and distribution of real wealth is to be optimised. Likewise, the roles of land, land value, capital, trade, credit, money, banking and international finance will be considered in the context of prospects for world peace and sustainable prosperity.
A particular focus of the sessions will include consideration of how the Prime Minister’s recognition of the importance of addressing the needs of the growing number of working households who are only “just about managing” (the JAMs) relates to the failure of fiscal and trade policy in respect of those parts of Europe, the UK and its cities that naturally operate on “the margin”.

You can join the meetings remotely from your computer, tablet or smartphone as a participant without facility to inter-act.  Please see instructions below. First meeting Friday February 24th 6.40 to 8 pm UK time.

Here is the link:

You can also dial in using your phone. 
United Kingdom +44 (0) 20 3713 5011 

Access Code: 675-277-965 

First GoToMeeting? Try a test session:

The Friday afternoon Group will shortly complete the study of “Social Problems” by Henry George, and then embark on his last work “The Science of Political Economy“. We expect to have occasional visits from Haydon Bradshaw with topics of his own choosing, and Alan Roberts to read his selection of the works of Alexander Pope. We meet at 2.30pm and all are welcome.

11 Mandeville Place , London, W1U 3AJ

(Courtesy of The School of Economic Science)  



You may attend one session or as many as you wish
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