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Gordon Abiama

The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain
is pleased to extend an invitation to a talk by





We are pleased to welcome Gordon Abiama who is on a brief visit to London from Nigeria. As will be
evident from the short biographical note below, Gordon is exceptionally well qualified to provide a
modern Nigerian Christian’s perspective on economic issues. He will discuss some of these in connection
with Henry George’s 1891 open letter to the Pope as he charts the prospects for promoting Georgist
principles in light of the socio-economic challenges that confront Nigeria today.
Gordon Abiama
A Christian minister for 26 years Gordon Abiama is Pastor of Perfecting Grace Tabernacle in Nigeria. He is the Director of theAfrica Centre for Geoclassical Economics, a not-for-profit organisation that establishes worldwide networks to promote policies and programmes aimed at building ecological communities and furthering democratic rights to common heritage resources. Gordon is an Executive Member of the IU and a two-term board director of the Henry George Institute, New York where he taught for many years. In 2004/6 Gordon served as a Board Member on the Bayelsa State Project Advisory Council for the World Bank assisted project designed to establish an institutional mechanism to enable local communities to finance their own development priorities.

Friday 27th September 2013
2.30pm – 4.00 pm
Venue: School of Economic Science,
11 Mandeville Place , London , W1U 3AJ .
(Nearest tube: Bond Street – See Map at Station – 4 Minutes walk)
All Welcome – Admission Free

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