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Four Horsemen

A Special showing of the New and Highly Acclaimed Documentary Film


As the global economy veers from crisis to catastrophe people are looking for a better understanding of how to protect themselves.

23 global thinkers- may of whom have been ignored by the mainstream media come together for the first time to break their silence abou thow the world really works.

Rather than condemning bankers, politicians or the media Four Horsemen puts the entire system up for discussion.

Transcending the constraints of conventional political debate the film describes in simple terms what needs to change in universities, government andin business

Four Horsemen is the catalyst to begin debate around the solutions we urgently need.

Friday 1st June 2012 2.30 to 4.30 pm

11, Mandeville Place London W1U 3AJ

(near Bond Street Tube Station)

Courtesy School of Economic Science

All Welcome – Admission Free

(voluntary donations will be welcome to cover expenses)


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