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Edmund Burke

The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain
is pleased to extend an invitation to a meeting to consider






Both Edmund Burke and Henry George had a profound respect for what they understood to be Natural Law· but were they respecting and honoring the same thing? Likewise both Burke and George respected private property and regarded it as critical to the welfare of society. but were they championing the same thing? Again Burke and George were both concerned for the welfare of those who suffered from the effects of land enclosure and the industrial revolution – but were their responses compatible? So would Burke, had he known of George’s ideas concerning the natural source of public revenue have been supportive? and if not what would have been his reservations? Ian Alston a long time admirer of both men will open up these questions for discussion during his talk which should provide material for an instl1lctive, stimulating, and enjoyable afternoon,

Friday 8th February 2013 2.30pm – 4.00 pm

11 Mandeville Place, London, WllJ 3AJ (Courtesy of The School of Economic Science)

(Nearest tube: Bond Street – See map at station – 4 minutes walk)

All Welcome – Admission Free

The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain

PO Box 6408, London W1A 3GY Tel: 0800 048 8537 The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain is a company limited by guarantee registered in England 00, 00956714 and a charity registered in Er.gland under the ChatitiesAct 1960, no. 259194.

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Land & Liberty magazine is a publication of The Henry George Foundation.