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Economic Cycles


The  18 -20 Year Economic Cycle

An Astrological Explanation

A Talk by Geoffrey Pearce


This is a special talk in the present series of study sessions on the Laws of Plato and George’s insights into natural law in the government of society. It follows a study which was stimulated by a talk by Akhil Patel in the Spring Term.


In order to understand the 18-20 year economic cycle that has manifested over the past two hundred years it is necessary to have some insights into long term astrological cycles affecting the whole of humanity and, in particular, to know about the part of these cycles that has being influencing societies in recent times. These cycles are a manifestation of the natural laws influencing every nation and every individual throughout the ages. In this talk the basis of these cycles will be explained as well as the forces behind the short term 18-20 year economic cycle that has been troubling the United States since it was formed and its Western trading partners.


Geoffrey Pearce is an international lecturer and teacher of Vedic Astrology, the system of astrology that originated in India about 10,000 years ago. He is a council member and Treasurer of the British Association for Vedic Astrology. His specialist subject has been mundane astrology relating to the past and future of countries including the study in a historical context of cyclical forces influencing societies since c3000 BC.


This talk will be self-contained and is not limited to those who are currently attending the series.


Friday 13th June 2014

6.40pm – 8.10pm


11 Mandeville Place, London, W1U 3AJ (Courtesy of The School of Economic Science)


All Welcome – Admission Free

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