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HGF Friday Evening Programme Spring 2016

Date Wk No Study leader Topics 
22/01/16   Wk 1 Joseph Milne Plato’s Laws
29/01/16   Wk 2 Richard Bolton Reading & study of Henry George’s speeches
05/02/16   Wk 3 Joseph Milne Plato’s Laws
12/02/16   Wk 4 Richard Bolton Reading & study of Henry George’s speeches
19/02/16   Wk 5 HALF  TERM  
26/02/16   Wk 6 Joseph Milne Plato’s Laws
04/03/16   Wk 7 Richard Bolton Reading & study of Henry George’s speeches
11/03/16   Wk 8 Joseph Milne Plato’s Laws
18/03/16   Wk 9 Richard Bolton Reading & study of Henry George’s speeches
READING & STUDY OF HENRY GEORGE’S SPEECHES:  Richard will continue leading  the study of George’s  Speeches starting with  “Moses: Apostle of Freedom”  – an address delivered by Henry George before the  Young Men’s Hebrew Association of San Francisco.
“Three great religions place the leader of the Exodus upon the highest plane they allot to humankind. To Christendom and to Islam, as well as to Judaism, Moses is the mouthpiece and lawgiver of the Most High; the medium, clothed with supernatural powers, through which the divine will has spoken. Yet this very exaltation, by raising him above comparison, may prevent the real grandeur of the man from being seen. It is amid his brethren that Saul stands taller and fairer.” – Henry George

PLATO’S LAWS: Joseph will continue to lead this very popular enquiry into Plato’s explorations of the art of law-making, the aims of education, the meaning of citizenship, the virtuous life, good regulation of trade and property, and the place of religion in the just and harmonious society.
This Group will meet every week commencing on 22nd January and following same dates as outlined above.
This  STUDY GROUP  will continue reading “Social Problems” which was started last term.  The Group will be led by Tommas Graves and Michael Learoyd with occasional visiting speakers.
 “There  come moments in our lives that summon all our powers — when we feel that, casting away illusions, we must decide and act with our utmost intelligence and energy. So in the lives of peoples come periods specially calling for earnestness and intelligence.”  –  Opening sentence of “Social Problems” 
You may attend one session or as many as you wish
The Henry George Foundation of Great Britain is a company limited by guarantee,
 registered in England ,company no 00956714, Charity No: 259194 and in Scotland SC0044360
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