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HGF Friday Evening Programme Spring 2014
Studies in natural law
Friday Evenings
Commencing 24 January 2014 (6.40 – 8.10pm)
11 Mandeville Place , London , W1U 3AJ .
Courtesy of School of Economic Science
Economics for Professional Development – David Triggs (24 Jan, 7 Feb, 28 March)
This is a new project to develop and market courses on the science of political economy that address the needs of a wide range of professions as they seek to refine and develop their competence along the lines required by their professional institutions. During these three sessions David will rehearse some of the material that he has prepared. For those who have never studied economics the courses are intended to provide a fascinating introduction to those aspects of natural law that underpin it. For those with previous exposure to the subject, they should be a refreshing challenge. Development is currently at an early stage and David will welcome constructive observations from anyone who would or could be interested in helping with the development of the project.
Plato’s Laws – Joseph Milne and Richard Bolton (31 Jan, 7 March, 21 March)
This is an ongoing study of Plato’s prescription for law in the city/state. The translation of Plato used is by Thomas L Prangle available from: Alternatively, you can download it (or pages from it) from: Copies of the material of study each evening will be available.
Special Presentations – 14th February Adrian Bertoluzzi and 14th March Akhil Patel.
SES Annual Economics Lecture – Peter Bowman 28th February
The class will attend this lecture by Peter Bowman who in addition to being the head of Economics faculty of the School of Economic Science is also a Director of the Henry George Foundation.
All Welcome
Admission Free – Donations Optional
Please note there will no meeting on Friday 21 February (Half Term)
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