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Political Economy Autumn 2010

The Henry George Foundation is pleased to offer a NEW 4-week course on

“Political Economy”

Presented By David Triggs – Executive Chairman
Commencing: 19th November 2010. Times: Fridays 6.40pm – 8.10pm
Location: 11 Mandeville Place, London W1 (by kind permission of the School of Economic Science)


Both the Series and the Course will be held on Friday Evenings 6.40pm – 8.10pm and are open to all. Those with no previous exposure to academic economic teaching should find it stimulating and enjoyable – those with such experience are likely to find that we challenge some currently accepted theories, opinions and beliefs.

There is no charge for attendance but students are invited to make a donation to the Foundation according to their means and their valuation of the course and the work of the Foundation.



The Foundation is also pleased to announce a General Meeting of the

Coalition for Economic Justice (CEJ)


Taxation and Unemployment

Friday 12th November 2010 commencing at 6.45pm.



All to be held at

11 Mandeville Place, London W1

(by kind permission of the School of Economic Science)


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Land & Liberty magazine is a publication of The Henry George Foundation.