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The Condition of Labour Autumn 2008
A course of six Wednesday evenings over six weeks
Presented by
David Triggs
Executive Chairman – Henry George Foundation
Starting 22nd October 2008
At 11 Mandeville Place, London W1
Henry George’s book ‘The Condition of Labour’ was written and first published in 1891 as an open letter in reply to an Encyclical Letter entitled Rerum Novarum. This had been issued by Pope Leo XIII in May of that year, and dealt with the condition of labouring people throughout the world.
Henry George felt that the Encyclical – a document of widespread importance – could be interpreted as an attack on his teachings on private property in the products of labour, the value of land, and the proper source of public revenue.
He therefore thought it necessary to reply, showing that his ideas were consistent with those in the Encyclical and ‘the primary perceptions of human reason, and with the fundamental teachings of the Christian Faith’.
This course provides an excellent opportunity to study the way George addresses the problems of social and economic injustice which still dominate world affairs today. Particular consideration is given to his care in avoiding the confusions that continue to permeate the thinking of the so-called ‘left’, ‘right’ and ‘centre’.
FEE: £40 – Concessions: £30 – Full-time students: £20
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